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  • Date: 07/28/23
    First Name: Bernice
    Last Name: Keiner
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: None
  • Comment

    Do you realize that in some states the rent for a one bedroom is just the same for a two or three bedroom. People who make less the 20 dollar an hour cannot afford an apartment by themselves, especially single parents with children, and people on a fixed income. Cant even apply for federal housing, because they are all full due to the fact of rising rents. The waiting lists for federal housing on average is 2 to 4 years if not longer in some areas. The homeless rate is soaring because of the overpriced rents. Parents are losing their children to the state because of adequate housing. The states are desperate for foster families and the children homes are overfilled. What are we teaching those children about fairness, they are the next generation. Who are prone to choose a life of violence because they are slipping through the cracks. Because of the situation that your agency refuses to fix, much less address properly. The circle comes back to you!