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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/26/23
    First Name: Marshall
    Last Name: Goldsmith
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Lake County Community Development
  • Comment

    I do not represent Lake COunty Community Devolopment. But as a renter in the city of Chicago I have found out how hard it is to find an apartment. They "are" said to move so fast that you are not able to view the apartment before someone takes it over. Also no landlord will talk to you about renting a place unless they know that you can move in within a couple of days notice. Things need to change as rents are becoming so high that it will be impossible just to get a studio which can cost upwards of $1250/ month which means that for a person to pay for it and keep their heard above water they need to earn $3750/ month after taxes. Which is about $22/hr after taxes. That is insane.