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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/25/23
    First Name: Edith
    Last Name: Rittenhouse
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Multifamily Owner
  • Comment

    With interest rates rising higher and faster than I can keep up at this time I have lost $75,000 of my retirement which I had hoped would grow with my property investment. Is it fair to help one group at the expense of another? Tax the rich what they should have been paying if you must, but that's not me, rich people have loopholes, Trump made sure of that. The government does have the ability to make this fair, not just the easy. Please reconsider, renters, not all, are mad at the world, nothing I had anything to do with, they break things, lie, cause trouble, the government will not make them behave but loss of privileges. True disabled need the most help. In other countries they are cared for well. The US can do the same. I will gladly help where I can. Please consider, thank you.