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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/25/23
    First Name: Skye
    Last Name: Hewitt
    Organization Type: local government
    Organization: KC Tenants
  • Comment


    I have been a renter in Kansas City since I was 18-- since rates have almost doubled! When I was 18 I could afford a nice one bedroom apartment by myself, and now, at 25, I have to work 2 jobs for a studio apartment. I've had to cut down on my spending to be able to afford rent and all of my other expenses. On top of that, I have had negative experiences with renting. I have been left without heat for most of some winters. I've been left without a shower for months on end. I've had even had one landlord, Matthew McGee of Kansas City, flirt with me! So creepy for someone who has access to my home!
    There should be a landlord registry and greater regulations for those controlling the housing of the people. There should be regulations on the price of rent, so working class people can afford housing while maintaining a quality of life.

    Thank you,
    Skye H