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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/24/23
    First Name: stephen
    Last Name: vogel
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: American Property Owners Alliance
  • Comment

    Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Request for Input on how the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), in its oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, can best provide assistance and opportunities to tenants at multi-family properties.

    Unfortunately there is a socialist sponsored movement afoot to demean landlords. Socialists historically have needed to demonize, then remove landlords in order to establish monopoly power.

    Landlords backstop property values and increase the availability of housing. Without landlords, property values fall, banks stop lending, neighborhood's deteriorate and housing supply declines.

    Landlords provide housing to the poor. Most of my tenants don't have the credit score they need to buy. Without landlords, they would be under a bridge

    Landlords provide temporary housing for those who haven't set long term plans yet. Buying a house with a short time horizon usually results in a loss.

    Landlords provide maintenance services that the poor can't afford. If your sewer line collapses or you need a new roof, the repair is often out of reach for the poor.

    Landlords provide services for the mentally ill. Scientists say that 20% of the population may suffer mental illness. A good portion of that population relies on the landlords to help manage life choices.

    If government wrecks the investment climate, banks won't lend and you still can't buy a house. If you want cheaper housing, deregulate housing. Deregulation encourages more new builds and keeps more old units from being torn down. More regulation makes empty units more valuable than occupied units.

    Landlords - Saving us from socialist famine and dislocation for hundreds of years.