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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/21/23
    First Name: Norm
    Last Name: Conrad
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: People's Action
  • Comment

    I own a manufactured home that is located in a mobile home park. I rent a small piece of land on which the house sits.

    The land owner and landlord has raised rents by just over 60% in the last six years while reducing services, specifically requiring us to pay to use the "club house", reduced the size of the "club house" available to us and eliminated the no charge yearly trash removal dumpster and the fresh mulch for those who use it.

    This while property taxes on this mobile home park have actually declined over the last 10 years.

    Another mobile home park near this one has raised rents even higher. The net effect of these rent increases is that they steal our home equity by making a sale harder to come by if/when we decide that we've had all we can take. A rapidly increasing rental overhead makes it harder for prospective buyers to afford a purchase. That is what seems to be happening on several mobile home parks in the area. The combination of a mortgage on a nice home plus the lot rental often makes a purchase difficult.

    And as rents increase far faster than incomes or Social Security increases means some of us will find ourselves evicted. IOW these landlords are now and will for some time, without suitable redress from government action, adding to the homelessness crisis occurring all over the country.

    This must be halted and reversed.