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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/21/23
    First Name: Jeannie
    Last Name: Llewellyn
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: In It Together
  • Comment

    If housing is meant to be a social feature, then the GOVERNMENT needs to BUY property owners out, and STOP affecting how landlords run their business. Rent Control, Just Cause, Eviction Moratoriums are SHORT-TERM solutions - and KEEP THAT IN MIND! They have LONG-TERM effects if continued as it's not allowing natural rate setting (Econ 101). Brookings Institute and several other researchers have noted that any government influences (eg. rent control, just cause, ordinances limiting the business of rentals) without subsidies is 1) bullying one business type, 2) causes long-term decrease of what the government is trying to INCREASE, and 3) have a lack of forethought of outcomes. In the 80's and prior, government had employees that were cognizant of doing the impact studies - it seems that opportunity and checkpoint has been replaced by knee jerk reactions and very little thinking.

    Please take into account ALL the constituents that comprise the USA. Not just the low median income, or the level that don't contribut much toward the "slush" fund the government reps and senators so willingly spend without accountablity.