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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/21/23
    First Name: Anonymous
    Last Name: Renter
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Working For Less
  • Comment

    I'm one to say that all property values should be dramatically slashed when you look at the pollution dumped into these communities. The Tenants did not cause the pollution that causes many health problems costing workers even more money. The landlords let pollution and neglect happen but still are allowed to raise rents and not pay employees enough to live is stealing from workers. The 3rd world country conditions they caused has made our paychecks worthless and basing rental values should reflect what the conditions actually are in the areas.
    When a community has high cancer rates, no grocery stores, low wage jobs, payday loans every half mile, and homeless living under every bridge FAIR MARKET VALUE should be tops $500 a month for a 2-4 bedroom apartments. Until the landlords and cities decide to stop neglecting communities and throwing away Americans dreams rents will remain at lowest rates until community lives are improved.