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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/21/23
    First Name: Nancy
    Last Name: Van Schooenderwoert
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Lean-Agile Partners, Inc.
  • Comment

    I rent in Belmont, MA, one of the wealthiest towns in the USA. The rent is increased by $100 - 250 each year. This landlord seems to have gotten in over his head and needs tenants to bail him out. He paid 1.1 Million for the house in 2018 but the systems (electric, plumbing) are all more than 100 years old and in need of a serious upgrade. I don't know whether he had federal agency help in buying the house. I did all the leg work to find upgrade assistance thru Mass-Save, and now he will get govt. help to add roof insulation and insulated windows. These capital improvements should not go to landlords as a windfall profit when they are free to also make us pay the full cost. There is no "market" to limit the astronomical rent increases because there are no decent rentals to be found. I looked for months and had to give up and sign yet another lease.