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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: Susan
    Last Name: Shultz
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Susan M. Shultz
  • Comment

    Evacuated from uncontrolled hazardous release site for high mercury levels. Accused of trespassing. Denied trial and local shelter. The law says FEMA and uniform relocation. I try but county counsel says it's a civil matter and "no jurisdiction." So I asked, "under whose authority was the encroachment?" And he said the county. This has been going on for three years. Meanwhile, my safety is my job. If I had rights, I would not need resources. Please uphold my rights and contracts. Please stop funding resources to "help" everyone into homelessness codependence. Thank you. P.S. displacement is not a housing issue. It is a matter of national security. Important distinction. 211 v. FEMA