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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: John
    Last Name: Sinclair
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: JSI
  • Comment

    Corporate lenders, banks in general, have a verified history of undermining legislation intended to assure honesty, if not fairness, in real estate markets.

    Their contempt for Congress is legendary. Congress' acquiescence is equally legendary.

    Today when the House, SCOTUS, the Oval Office are widely viewed with suspicion it is critical you seize whatever opportunity allows you to assert your even-handedness and your commitment to holding corporations in check as they proceed with their program to wreck the economy and grab whatever they can in the process.

    Banks, the real estate industry in general have become notorious for cheating and outright illegal behavior. Stand up to them, or risk further abasement and the ruin of what little credibility remains to you.