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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: Janette
    Last Name: Rosenbaum
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: N/A
  • Comment

    I am writing to comment on tenant protections in rental homes. I'm a mid-career professional with a master's degree and a full-time job in my field. I spend 34.09% of my gross income on a third-floor walk-up apartment without reliable running water.

    In my last lease renewal cycle, the landlords increased the rent by 4.84% and told me this was generous because legally they could increase the rent as much as they wanted. These landlords are slow to respond to requests. When they proactively share any information at all with the community, the notices are poorly written, incomprehensible, and even inaccurate. I've been treated with hostility for acting in good faith on information that turned out to be incorrect.

    These problems don't occur only among disadvantaged communities. They are happening to everyone. Despite having a successful professional career, I'm getting priced out of the low-income neighborhood.

    For the sake of everyone who is just trying to live with basic dignity, please enact stronger tenant protections. Limit rent increases to recognize that many of us are already rent-burdened and are not getting salary increases. Limit evictions to protect tenants who haven't done anything wrong. Hold landlords accountable for failing to be responsive to tenants, for not completing requested repairs, and for disrespecting tenants' right to know what is going on in their own communities.

    Thank you for taking action to protect all those who just want to feel secure in their own homes.