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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: Fernando
    Last Name: Ayala
    Organization Type: local government
    Organization: Ayala Family
  • Comment

    As most people know, and a wide range of data proves, America's labor force is under extreme attack. Blue collar workers across industry fields -- from school teachers (like myself), to hotel workers, to workers in agricultural fields, and most recently Hollywood actors & writers -- have had to and/or are continuing to strike in protest. My primary concern is that in recent years, in the current aftermath of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, while the great majority of employees have had to struggle to recover from this historic shutdown, the salaries/bonuses for corporate execs and CEOs have grown exponentially. This is beyond unreasonable. There is no reason why a fractional percent of American citizens can be so obnoxiously greedy paying themselves millions and even billions of dollars, while 98% of workers are struggling to afford rent and healthcare costs. I do hope this resonates as responsible and kind behavior; because having common sense and being sensible are fundamental cornerstones that are slowly eroding within our society.