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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: Natalie
    Last Name: Drees
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Lingsch Realty
  • Comment

    Economic study after study has shown that tenant protections actually increase rents in rent-controlled jurisdictions. I see this first hand as my clients would rather have an apartment sit vacant waiting for a high rent, rather than risk getting a 20-year long tenant at an initially low rent. I agree low and middle income tenants need housing assistance, but I would rather see more vouchers than stick mom-and-pop landlords with the costs. My clients, the smaller landlords, eventually get tired of navigating tenant protections and sell to larger corporations who treat tenants badly and have the funds to go through lengthy legal processes to raise rents or evict tenants. Therefore, the protections end up hurting the very tenants they are meant to protect, and put their homes in the hands of souless corporations. Please do not pass any federal tenant protections.