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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/20/23
    First Name: Donald
    Last Name: Fields
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
  • Comment

    I don't want to complain, but at the same time... There is no logical or of my knowledge, any justifiable reason as to why rent is so high. I feel like people are just tossing around the word INFLATION as means to fulfill their own greed. Apartments, that literal apartments, are being called CONDOS and are priced as such. When they offer none of the amenities or space of a Condo at all. Units and buildings on some of the most neglected parts of town are being priced ridiculously. H.O.A. fines and charges fees at will that shouldn't even be, with no good reason or evidence of such at all. People are being robbed LEGALLY by Managers, Landlords and the HOA because there are absolutely no Laws in place to protect the people that are renting from them. And its not right at all, rent really does not have to be this high at all. Especially when you have units without A.C. outdated appliances... No upgrades to anything within the past 5 years... Maintenance is non existent, and there have been no repairs at all. People are being had, and its simply just not right. There has to be something done, you see what happened in California with the homeless problems they have... Lets not have the same here in Las Vegas due to the greed of those in positions of power.