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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/19/23
    First Name: Gregory
    Last Name: Lynne
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Piedmont Housing Alliance; Charlottesville, VA
  • Comment

    1) (QA-3) Renters should receive monthly statements showing all payments made (HUD & personal) with a running balance owed/paid.
    2) (QA-1) Renters in senior independent housing should be subject to regular monitoring by social workers when their status involves assisted-living aides. When status devolves to needing nursing care, social workers should facilitate matching to available care centers. Seniors should NOT be left to DIE unassisted once unable to live independently!
    3) (QA-1) Non-smoking rules should be POSTED and MADE CLEAR at occupancy. Evictions should be enforced according to SECOND infractions.
    4) (QA-4) High-efficiency heat pumps should replace antiquated (>10-yrs.-old) HVAC systems to reduce utility bills. Medical conditions make seniors especially-labile to temperature extremes. High utility bills preclude purchase of food/medicine by seniors living on fixed-low-incomes.
    5) Complementing "4" (preceding), renovations and new construction should mandate 50%+ standards of insulation of building designs--again to reduce HVAC bills for those on low incomes.
    6) Increased consideration for funding should go to housing able to access public transportation.
    7) (QA-1) Tenants should receive MSDS information on all pest control treatments BEFORE landlords apply same. Modifications should be allowed when health conditions of residents pose RISKS attendant to known adverse effects of pesticides.
    8) (QC-1) When considering rentals, applicants should be presented with copies of three highest utility bills applicable from the preceding year's occupancies. How else can they determine if they can meet their assumed expenses?
    9) (QB-4) While never defaulting on any rental or mortgage payment due for the past 48 years (!) I was rejected by a multifamily, private housing facility for "bad credit" after completing their 45+ page application/traveling long distances for in-person interviews. If this was a disqualifying criteria, a simple preliminary credit check would have save us both from excess time/effort/expense to nought!
    10) (QC-1) When I applied to multiple properties of the PHA/Charlottesville, I was NOT given any CHOICE as to which property(-ies) I could occupy! I was administratively ASSIGNED to my current residence without any CHOICES!
    11) (QD-1) (QD-2) (relating to 1) (QA-3)) THREE TIMES I was threatened with eviction by PHA due to their poor bookkeeping and lack of providing receipts of rental payments! (This is inexcusable.)
    12) (QD-7) YES!!! I NEVER received repair of a defective refrigerator thermostat from occupancy. Repair of dishwasher took TEN VISITS/REQUESTS to accomplish. Repair of leaky bathroom sink faucet went unaddressed until spontaneous leakage into cabinet occurred TWO YEARS LATER! I don't even BOTHER TO REQUEST other lesser repairs. Essential repairs should be accomplished to minimize damages to personal property of residents (i.e., food in freezer/refrigerators) ASAP! Other repairs (faucet leakages; dishwashers) should be repaired with 7 days of reporting.