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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/17/23
    First Name: Erika
    Last Name: Sommer
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Louisville Tenants Union
  • Comment

    I am a tenant living in Louisville, KY. Since moving to Louisville right years ago, I've lived in as many apartments. I've had to move so often because apartments in Louisville rarely stay affordable, and the affordable ones are often falling apart. My partner and I recently moved because our last apartment was too small for our family, especially for what we were paying. We were forced to move to a different neighborhood, and while our new apartment is bigger, it is also full of loose floorboards and faulty appliances. The federal government needs to stop enabling giant landlords to treat tenants like dirt. If their mortgages are going to be federally backed, these landlords MUST be subject to restrictions on rent increases. Any eviction should be based on an identifiable good cause, not simply for the landlords convenience or to enhance their profit. They should not be able to deny tenants on the basis of their source of income, e.g. Section 8
    Finally, landlords must be held accountable for maintaining their GOVERNMENT BACKED properties in safe, healthy conditions for all tenants.