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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/16/23
    First Name: Yosbani
    Last Name: Gonzalez
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: self
  • Comment

    I live in louisville in an FHFA backed property. My door has a leak, maintenance came and fixed the door but it was temporary and the fix lasted less than 2 days. I worry about them being bothered so I lay a towel down to take care of it myself. I also put in a maintenence request 3 weeks ago for a leaky roof, and they haven't even told me that they received the request. It's been pouring rain, and I shouldn't have to live waiting for care when I pay 1k a month. We need rent control and good cause eviction. I shouldn't worry about retaliation if I request maintenance. The entryway also has a leak and no care to keep it clean. Please help us live in dignity, Director Thompson .