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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/11/23
    First Name: Jayla
    Last Name: Atkinson
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: KC Tenants
  • Comment

    I moved to Kansas City in 2017 to pursue the education I could never find in my small hometown. Although I am a hard worker, I have never been able to keep up with the rent here, I have moved from place to place trying to survive, while working for community organizations and constantly giving back, seeing these big organizations like MAC properties getting all this government money to build places that I can’t even afford in the place I have built my career, is absolutely devastating. I can’t keep up no matter what I do. I want to stay here but my landlord constantly threatens to evict me for the most minor mistakes, where is the protection for tenants in a world that hates the homeless? I can’t afford to leave and can’t afford to stay.