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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/11/23
    First Name: Ryan
    Last Name: Van Der Karr
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Tiered Real Estate
  • Comment

    The rental market is extremely complex and there are significant abusers on both sides. Any set of rules put in place will be abused by someone and cause undue hardship to someone else. There are two items that I believe are most important to minimize hardship and maximize benefit of any program. One is that cases are reviewed (by a board, judge, committee, etc) expediently. There are times where hardships are involved and there should be relief in those cases but it shouldn't be allowed to be turned into exploitation and a swift review process is one way to help prevent abuses. Oversight personnel is always an issue but with the number of realtors in the country, boards comprising realtors and local authorities should be able to be assembled and meet once a month. Second, a master database should be maintained of all of the abusers on both sides. Bad tenants and bad landlords should be logged into a master database that can be accessed nationwide (again through the local governments or real estate companies) so that repeat offenses are minimized and for use as a deterrent to those who would consider abusing the system.