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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/07/23
    First Name: Gerard
    Last Name: O'Neil
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: C.R. O'Neil & co
  • Comment

    These policies may infringe on private property rights, circumvent state and local law, and upend standard lease agreements, including those already in place. The RFI seeks public input on policies that would require GSE-backed multifamily properties to admit qualified persons regardless of source of income, the standardization of communication timeframes between housing providers and tenants, rent increases, causes for eviction, and more. The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM®) is already meeting many of the objectives of the FHFA through our existing lease agreements with tenants, and compliance with fair housing laws.

    The United States is facing a historic housing shortage with an underproduction gap of 5.5 million units nationwide, driving up costs and reducing the availability of affordable housing. As housing providers and property owners continue to feel the effects of inflation, public policies should be crafted to encourage and expand affordable housing production, not impede the development of much needed inventory for those who need it the most.