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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/02/23
    First Name: Sunehra
    Last Name: Subah
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: Youth Alliance for Housing (YAH)
  • Comment

    At my previous house, my landlord would increase the rent every time he fixed an item in the house. My family was so afraid of another rent spike that we didn’t report our broken oven for months. Instead, I’d run back and forth to and from a friend’s house around the corner with trays full of food to use her oven. This is unacceptable. Tenants should not be afraid to ask their landlords to fix things they need to survive in their houses like ovens/cooking appliances, toilets/plumbing, heating, ventilation, etc. We should not have to live in fear or be constantly worried about our rents. Tenant protections now!! We all deserve affordable housing with the items we need to live.