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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/02/23
    First Name: Adrian
    Last Name: Thomson
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: SC Housing Justice Network
  • Comment

    I live in student housing in Columbia, SC. I live with 7 roommates in a 4 bedroom apartment. Recently, our AC was broken and we were stuck with no cool air during the hot summer in SC. We literally have 100 degree weather here! Our landlords took two weeks to fix the issue. Certain things that effect our living like heat and air should be fixed quickly. We're currently finishing up our lease and it's been hard looking for another place to live that I can afford on my own or without so many roommates because the rent in SC is too damn high. I want tenants like me to have tenant protections and rent regulated in federally backed properties and landlords need to be held accountable for caring for their tenants and the property they rent out.