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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/01/23
    First Name: Suzanne
    Last Name: Kennedy
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Individual Tenant
  • Comment

    I lost my apartment due to severe financial repercussions from the Covid Pandemic. I am a senior citizen and collect Social Security. I supplemented my SS Retirement benefits with self-employment doing organizing and pet sitting jobs. As a result, I did not qualify for any aid or benefits unless I was behind on my rent. I did get behind on my rent and my Landlord would not work with me and threatened eviction even though it was illegal (I discovered through a Google search that he had been previously brought up on Slumlord charges). I ended up doing credit card balance transfers to pay my rent and bills. As a result, I now have considerable debt which I am slowly paying off. I had to move out of my apartment and could not qualify for another apartment - i.e., I do not have 40 times the monthly rent in income and the landlords have drastically raised the prices. I was drawn in the Section 8 lottery in June of 2021, but have yet to receive my voucher which could help me get another apartment. I have lived in temporary situations for the past 2 years and all of my attempts to find housing have been unsuccessful. I am now looking at having to move into a shelter in order to receive my voucher. I am 69 years old. There seem to be no protections afforded me and Landlords are now doing their best to eliminate Rent Stabilization and regulation. The prices have astronomically increased -- essentially, I cannot afford to live. I am still healthy and do not need nor qualify for assisted living. I just want an affordable apartment and protection for tenants -- especially good tenants who do pay their rent and are senior citizens. Thank you.