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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/28/23
    First Name: Akua
    Last Name: Page
    Organization Type: state government
    Organization: SC Housing Justice Network
  • Comment

    I am a native of Charleston, South Carolina and my housing experience has been a nightmare due to the relentless rental hikes and the absence of adequate tenant protections. As a native, I have experienced multiple instances where my rent was increased significantly without any justifiable reason. These sudden hikes left me struggling to make ends meet, forcing me to sacrifice other essential expenses such as food and healthcare.

    The absence of proper tenant rights also makes it challenging for individuals like me to challenge unjust rental increases or negotiate fair lease terms. The power imbalance between landlords and tenants makes it nearly leads to unfair treatment and neglectful maintenance practices. I vividly recall living in house with persistent mold issues that were never adequately addressed despite numerous complaints.

    People shouldn't have to decide between rent, food and healthcare