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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/20/23
    First Name: Jaklyn
    Last Name: Kraft
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: Homes Guarantee Campaign
  • Comment

    I lived with roommates and their rent went up, I was not on the lease but they also needed me to pay more. As a result, I had to move and could not afford it. For years, I was unable to support myself with multiple incomes, and I have a college degree as well as work very hard. I could not pay for things I needed and making ends meet was very hard. It’s been stressful, moving place to place and never having stability. The only places that were affordable were unsafe. My safety should t be compromised just to have a roof over my head.I went through a lot of trauma as a young woman on her own just struggling to make ends meet. The unaffordable housing was a huge problem for many years.
