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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/19/23
    First Name: Pinky
    Last Name: Toney
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: ACCE/SacramentoCLT
  • Comment

    I volunteer throughout the city of Sacramento, many tenants are facing discrimination, harassment, extreme rent hikes and most of all Evictions. The increase of the homeless population has doubled since 2020 and people are being evicted to the streets. I personally received a $600 increase at the beginning of the year, which makes it impossible for me to put food on the table for my family of four. My household unfortunately is not covered under any tenant protections because of being a single family home. It's getting so bad in the city of Sacramento for too many renters as there is no tenant protections or rent caps. We pay rents so landlords can get rich off of us low income families. It's sad that people will literally kill other people just to make a few extra dollars. It's Inhumane, but yet we are the human race. Instead our children are taught red lining and segregation of black and brown communities. We need tenant protections we need tenant right to council, we need rent cap and more affordable housing. We need to house our unhoused.