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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/14/23
    First Name: Rachel
    Last Name: Kucharski
    Organization Type: local government
    Organization: Mental Health America/Affordable Housing Alliance
  • Comment

    I live in supportive housing and I am a Peer Specialist and mental health provider in that housing network. Our property and many others are managed by nonprofit orgs in partnership- one manages property and one manages the 'supportive' part for those living with mental illness.
    It is a shitshow here. The over-arching problem all boils down to accountability- for both the landlord and the other tenants. Anyone can do anything they want because there is no one paying attention, and the police no longer bother responding either because again- they hesitate to enforce accountability because there is none, it's a waste of time and resources.
    Landlords receiving funding do so knowing then they can put forth as little effort actually managing the tenant requests and affairs as possible, all they have to do is collect rent, maintaining and managing nothing except the income stream.
    NO ACCOUNTABILITY. That is my complaint and feedback.
    There is no one paying attention, no one maintaining anything- I'm lucky I can get some little internet access- no one keeping the tenants themselves from killing each other or having 6 pets or hoarding or accumulating pests or burning refuse in the backyard- yep, dangerous and allowed because there's NO ONE ELSE here to know.
    This is a 7-unit building zoned for singles and yet there's 11 people living here, one pet is legal as a therapy animal but two are not and the landlord knows nothing.