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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/12/23
    First Name: Chary
    Last Name: Melindo
    Organization Type: fhlbank
    Organization: Indian Township Tribal Government
  • Comment

    Hello FHFA,
    MY name is Chary D Melindo, As I told I am a victim of identity Theft, I have this privacy Act 1974. I am writing here because I am seeking helps with my apartment rent. My landlord and the manager of the apartment told me, they already send my files to their lawyer. I did contact the lawyer twice and spoke to the lawyer secretary and they told me they will contact me once they are done reviewing my files. We are scared me and my son to be evicted. I am still paying my rent monthly but only partial because I lost my job when my terminate my contract. I hope someone can response this message and help us with this problems. Dealing this issues Identity theft as a single mom had 15 years old son, very hard for me to think everyday how to find way to survive. We do really need help to survive with this tragedy.
    Thank you for your kindness and consideration.

    Chary D Melindo