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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/11/23
    First Name: Felicity
    Last Name: Rosenberg
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Homes Guarantee Canpaign
  • Comment

    My name is Felicity Rosenberg, my rent is raised every year, usually $10. However, this year it was raised by $28, going from $690 to $718. I now find myself giving all of my first month check to bills now and scraping by. I live in a building managed by Broadway Management Group, a company notorious for maintaining unacceptable conditions for their tenants. Not fixing dangerous issues, mold, bathtubs falling through the ceiling, bees in the walls… it used to be offered to sign a two year lease to ensure your rent would not increase each year and now that option is gone. I am very concerned the rent is just going to start increasing by more and more each year. I see problems like this all over Louisville Kentucky and the states. I think there should be a regulation to put a stop to the greed of landlords pricing people out of their homes. I am in support of a federal control on rent hikes.
    Thanks, Felicity Rosenberg