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  • Date: 06/09/23
    First Name: Richard
    Last Name: Ramirez
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: None
  • Comment

    As a homeowner and former renter I am familiar with the many variables one need take into account.
    As renters we experienced good and bad landlords. Given the recent COVID 19 pandemic and the housing shortage, evictions should be avoided at all costs as it will only contribute to the problem of homelessness. Certainly, if Congress can pass one point nine trillion dollars in tax cuts over the next decade for the wealthiest Americans and record setting profitable corporations as they did under the Trump administration, the United States government can subsidize landlords for any loss in rental income they might experience in avoiding evictions. There is no reason to evict people from their homes and add to the number of homeless people in America. Landlords In turn should not bear the burden of having to find a way to pay the banks money owed. The government needs to compensate landlords for their losses. Rent control measures need to be enacted that will be advantageous to both tenants and landlords. Here at Lake Tahoe there is no affordable housing for rent for workers. Wealthy individuals are buying houses at an alarming rate and renting them as Short Term Rentals (S.T.R.s) making money hand over fist. S.T.R.s are geared for tourists who rent the property for the weekend thereby eliminating the availability of affordable monthly rentals for workers. A compromise needs to be found where Rent Controls benefit both tenants, landlords and affordable availability.