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  • Date: 06/09/23
    First Name: Linda
    Last Name: Sleffel
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: None
  • Comment

    My apartment building changed hands three times during the years I lived there. Needed repairs were ignored. One building manager was intellectually impaired. He didn't know how to do the repairs we needed. Gutters were not maintained. One year, every time it rained for five minutes, I had water running across my basement floor. The gutter spilled water directly into the window well. Finally I bought a window well cover; I couldn't install it in the recommended method, but there were some bushes I pushed it under to hold it in place. One summer, my air conditioner didn't work. The building management said they had got the AC company's director of apartment services, and he said there was nothing wrong with it. The next summer, it didn't work again. The person sent to check it said all the freon had leaked out, but it didn't matter because the compressor was dead. Apparently the year before, they just made up that story because they didn't want to replace it that year. And when the building was sold, and the plan was to convert it into condos, the contact person for the company said, "We thought you would stay."