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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/09/23
    First Name: susan
    Last Name: evon
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: na
  • Comment

    I believe that the LANDLORDS NEED TO BE MORE PROTECTED after reviewing all that happened to landlords during and after the Covid crises. This goes both ways and the goverenment is trying to take away our freedoms under the constitution with too much regulation and intervention. Previously, when there were issues, we took up the situation with smaller groups that protected individuals and made a fair and just decision. GOVERNMENT STAY OUT OF LOCAL BUSINESS. We are not socialism, we are not communism. We are individuals who can clearly and ethically manage our own affairs without government intervention. You are not our parents, nor should you be. We need the FREEDOM TO EVOLVE and make our own decisions locally without the goverenment weighing in. Weighing in on a national level will never understand the nuances of each situation as can be understood at the local level.