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  • Date: 06/08/23
    First Name: Eve
    Last Name: Cheshier
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: None
  • Comment

    Landlords / owners can just let a property go without fixing anything for a long time, and then when they get caught, they just quickly sell it off to somebody else who will kick everyone out, fix the property and then not let it be readable to low income. This is happening all over the country a lot. The reason they get away with it is because tenants are afraid to report when repairs are needed because landlords can and often do, simply file an eviction notice on that tenant for some unprovable reason like is causing trouble, or even falsify records about rent payments when they've been on time, various things anything that can think of. It happens all the time. Then landlords cry cry a lot saying they're not making enough money etc etc you know the drill. Because of all these low income tennis they were trying to help, no they weren't. They know they can manipulate poor people because we're already under the boot.
    So then landlord/management teams will harass tenants, thinking that kicking them around a little bit more will make them straighten up. There's lots of the classic standard attitude about how poor people are that way because they're lazy, can't work two or three jobs, have too many kids stuff like that. This has to stop.
    Also there isn't enough handicap/disabled housing. I am referring to mostly mobility accessibility, where for example, I'm saying there isn't enough because Tower buildings are dangerous for those that are mobility challenged. You can't live on an upper floors because the elevators lock at the bottom floor if there's a fire emergency and so then how do we get down?