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  • Date: 06/08/23
    First Name: Tasha
    Last Name: Virtue
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: None
  • Comment

    I have lived in San Diego California for my whole life and I also work here and I am currently being evicted from my residence of three years. I have been homeless before and all these rent hikes are ridiculous considering the property I live at is literally falling apart. I filed several reports and notified anyone I can think of and now I have until the end of June to find a place or I'm on the streets again. It's ridiculous to be priced out because I can't save money if I live here because it's too expensive. Yet all the bureaucrats pocket money and build places where only two units in a 400 unit place are affordable. That's crap and to live in the United States and most of our population is homeless or about to be. I have three jobs and yet don't make enough which is now 3 times the rent. I only make minimum wage so what do you people want? Wonder why we go crazy and kill ourselves and each other it's because of this corrupt system and those who benefit from our poverty don't care and never will. My landlord gives me notices and I make partial payments throughout COVID. I received rental assistance after applying several times and yet all this means testing to get help yet 400 billion for dream for all in California went to rich whites in San Francisco. I'm a Black female and I am facing many stresses everyday and the fact I can't keep a roof over my head weighs me down everyday. I'll never own a home where my kids can play at this point I'm almost 40. Hopefully I don't live past 41 because this country is a bunch of corruption and violence and selfish government officials. Thanks for nothing America