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  • Date: 06/07/23
    First Name: Lashawn
    Last Name: Smith
    Organization Type: federal government
    Organization: Section 8 voucher
  • Comment

    Yeah I just want to say I got my section 8 voucher and you have so many months to get it done and I started on mine as soon as possible and there's a waiting list but I feel that the ones I did submit to talking about my background which was 2011 and that I guess was stopping me from getting the apartment and that was way long ago why why did that have to stop me from getting the apartment I can see if it just happened that was over 12 years ago and then I ran into not enough income three times the rent if you got section 8 voucher there's no way you can have income three times the rent and I think that was something else another block that I ran into that didn't make any sense to me section 8 is a stepping stone and I had surgery heart surgery and then got past that and couldn't get no help from that no social security so then I went to work back to work and I had an infection in my and on the toe of mine being a diabetic and had to go in the hospital rest in the hospital to have surgery and they had got into my bone and they had to cut off all my toes and part of my foot to get the infection out the bone went through that and was that during the time of healing going through my hyperbaric treatment then I got my section 8 voucher in the middle of that trying to get trying to find a place and couldn't find a place because I wasn't even cleared to to go back to work because of having my foot gone and they didn't even want to hear that to even consider that they was focused on the background not even willing to give a person a chance with the voucher so what's the voucher is is no good if you still can't meet the requirements if if you not working I don't need the voucher if I'm working I wouldn't need section 8 cuz I will be working and I just don't I wouldn't need it I'll be making more money than more money than the section 8 so I end up losing my section 8 because I couldn't go to work to have an income staying with a friend of mine thank God that they didn't put me out or whatever this system is screwed up so basically if you don't have no income with your section 8 you will not find a place get a place I put in for a lot of places and got denied because of the income requirements and I thought with a section 8 voucher if they paying your rent and bills why would you need a income if you know I'm saying you just had surgery in going through health problems and things of that so what about the average person that's going through something and then I try to go get social security or whatever that is trying to get some help from that and they deny you on that and then the da go to the DHS they give you a couple dollars that you know I'm saying I appreciate all the help but for a person that never has section 8 this is crazy what about us or what about me. So whoever reading this please help because we need it because they these landlords is jacking up these rents a little guy just don't have a chance if you going through something you just you just out of luck they don't care and just because they're building and Kent county these jobs are not paying accordingly with the rent hikes if you don't have an college education or some kind of trade or something you're out of luck we need help bad and then I want the little guy to deal with these landlords and rental management companies that don't care and they can do what they want to do cuz there's nobody there telling them what's writing what's wrong they do what they want to do discriminate against you turn you out turn you turn down your application and then says all it was something on your background check or something credit ain't high enough for what have you. We need some help and the little guy that don't know where to go to get the help cuz I never had section 8 so I don't know about all this stuff. Please help