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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 06/07/23
    First Name: Nick
    Last Name: Lyell
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: unaffiliated
  • Comment

    Hi, I am a homeowner in Lexington, KY and I'm writing to encourage the FHFA to enact tenant protections on the housing over which they have authority.

    I've seen how unaffordable homes have become. On top of the burden of paying enormous rates in rent, I know firsthand how negligent landlords can be. I had my entire security deposit stolen from a landlord in California over "cleaning fees" for a spotless apartment. I've also seen neighbors told that its their responsibility to fix egregious structural and pest issues even though it is clearly the landlord's lack of maintenance that caused the issue.

    The protections being considered by the FHFA are both the lowest that should be expected of landlords, and also potentially incredibly impactful for tenants across the country. Please enact the strongest possible regulations to protect tenants from predatory landlords!
