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  • Date: 06/06/23
    First Name: Spencer
    Last Name: Chamberlain
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: KyTenants
  • Comment

    I live with my partner making 15 dollars an hour and them 18 dollars an hour and will not be able to afford a bank loan for any type of property for the next 5-10 years due too cost of living increasing dramatically. Fixed rent is a necessity for all renters to live and be able to work our way to middle class but no the rent we pay is only ment to keep us broke,stuck in a job and unable to even do part time school because of the cost of living
    It has been nothing a but a snake eating it’s own tail. People like me an my partner is what America and Kentucky love doing what it does best ,using and abusing us because we are stuck in this work to survive cycle. We are nothing but corporate slaves turning into a cast system that will In turn lead to another recession in with no one but the working class will be effected by. This is going to lead into nothing but destruction of Lexington and its working class. Just like usual this message along with my voice my whole life will be nothing but a percentage to people like you. So do what you do best sit in your air conditioned office and delegate every responsibility that has been passed off to you like it’s your 40 dollar paid for salmon lunch because that what my taxes will always go to on people of any type of council . I would love for any form of government to be paid 15 dollars an hour with no health insurance or any type of medical care . I have no words for the rage I have against these desicions that are made for me because it what people think I need when they have had piss drop of the struggle I have been in for generations before me. You call it fighting for me I call it delegating in a leather chair. Break a sweat for once in your life.