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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/31/23
    First Name: CECIL
    Last Name: PHILIP
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: NLIHC’s HoUSed Campaign
  • Comment

    FHFA should establish clear, strong, and enforceable renter protections to address the power imbalance between landlords and renters and help keep families stably housed.The NLIHC HoUSed campaign’s top priorities for new FHFA renter protections include:

    Source-of-income protections to prohibit landlords from discriminating against households receiving housing assistance and to give families greater choice about where to live.
    “Just cause” eviction standards and the right to renew leases to help protect renters from housing instability.
    Anti-rent gouging protections to stop landlords from dramatically raising rents.
    Requirements to ensure housing is safe, decent, accessible and healthy for renters and their families. At a minimum, any renter protections established by FHFA should:

    Be informed by continued engagement with tenants and directly impacted people.
    Center on equity. Racial and social equity must be explicit goals.
    Set mandatory, standardized requirements for all landlords in all rental properties with federally backed mortgages. Renter protections should be applied to landlords with an existing or future federally backed-mortgage and all rental properties, including larger multifamily properties and smaller one-to-four-unit properties.
    Be paired with strong enforcement. Landlords who violate FHFA’s renter protections should be found to be in technical default and should not be eligible for future loans.