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  • Date: 10/26/17
    First Name: Thomas
    Last Name: White
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Investors
  • Comment

    Dear FHFA, Mr Watts and Mr Mnuchin

    My name is Thomas White and I am from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. I started investing 12 years ago when I started watching CNBC. I'm a shareholder of Fannie Mae since 2009 and I'm apart of the Investor Unite Group, they asked me to write so here I am. These investments could change my life and give me opportunities I only dream of with your help.
    I love America for a number of reasons one is the stock market - the history of it and the opportunities it gives a person to make their lives better by making the right investments. Two years ago I traveled to New York and went down to Wall Street and it was amazing, to say the least. Second, I asked my girlfriend to marry me at a Pittsburgh Steelers game this year. Third, I think America stands for so much like freedom, Justice, opportunity, trust and help dreams to come true and more.
    Fannie Mae making billions of dollars every year and they hold 6 trillion in mortgages and helps the mortgage market and the 30 years mortgage. They were taken over 9 years ago and they paid back the money plus lots more and you own 79.9 of their stock - that's more billions for you. They offer so much to the American people, an opportunity for families to buy a dream home. Fannie and Freddie are great companies and from my understanding from the CEO Mr Mayopoulos of Fannie they have made changes/fix over the past years. It's time to let these companies out of the conservatorship and net worth sweep and retain capital before they have none and then need another bail out. If I may, I think they should be recaped and released. My hope is that FHFA, Mr Watts, Mr Mnuchin and Congress come up with a plan that works for shareholders, American tax payers, Mortgage holders, Congress, Treasury and US Government. In the end we can all win as these companies are the best at what they do and need to be free and do there job helping American people.

    Thank you for your time!

    Thomas White