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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/23/17
    First Name: Scott
    Last Name: Rago
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Livermore Valley Investments, LLC.
  • Comment

    Good day. My name is Scott Rago, owner/manager of Livermore Valley Investments, LLC.

    My business is that of Real Estate holding, renovating, flipping, relocating, and building. Incorporated in 2006, it’s been a challenge since day one. Our timing of incorporation was based upon belief the backbone of Real Estate within the United States of America would eventually be secure. To date, it is not.

    What I’ve learned after much research and time, with respect to so called ‘GSE’s, is sickening. These Fortune 50 corporations have paid their debt. They have bailed out banks. They have served their function. They continue to serve function to this very moment.

    I’d ask why they have not been released, but believe there no legitimate answer able to pass scrutiny. It makes no sense. Therefore, I am forced to conclude any rationale as to why they are currently held is not driven by good faith.

    I ask that you do the right thing. The backbone of business in America is business. That means free market. Free cannot happen with Government in the middle. Please free these entities. Please free lending.

    Thank you for your time.

    Scott Rago