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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/22/17
    First Name: Nancy
    Last Name: Nordquist
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Personal
  • Comment

    Director Mell Watts, please exercise your statutory authority under HERA to end the GSE's passing all profits to the Treasury so that they can build capital reserves. End the Net Worth Sweep. Continuing with the Net Worth Sweep is counter to the interests of both the taxpayers and the shareholders. Please work to end the Conservatorship within the next 6 months and discontinue the quarterly dividend payments to Treasury as of this next quarter so that the GSE's can begin to create an adequate capital reserve to support their work.
    No other industry 'rescued' by the government (e.g. banking, insurance, automobiles, etc) have had such restrictions on their ability to stabilize and return to profitability or to return to distributing dividends to shareholders. From what other group were similar demands for return on investment made? The requirements should be ended.