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  • Date: 10/18/17
    First Name: Ronald
    Last Name: Flower
    Organization Type: freddie mac
    Organization: Self
  • Comment

    I am 69 years old and was an Insurance Agent for 15 years. I could see the housing crisis coming as it was hard to insure the homes as sale price was way above the actual replacement cost. When the recession hit, I was financially hurt and was forced to retire. My 401K was dissapearing and in 2011 I bought some Freddie Mac as I could see it was making money again. Then the thieves took all profits under the Concervatorship. I now we are running out of money. For a loyal taxpayer, this is no way to treat honest citizens. Please recap and release Fannie and Freddie so the many of thousands of honest citizens can recover. Too many ultra rich and Senators have made blood money by Shorting the stock and Mr Lew has done nothing to help us