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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/18/17
    First Name: Daniel
    Last Name: Hutcheson
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Computer Construction Services
  • Comment

    My name is Daniel Hutcheson and I am a small business owner living in Portland, Tennessee. In 2008, our country suffered the worst recession we have seen in my lifetime.
    Needless to say, like everyone else, we were scared about what was going to happen to our great country. Unlike most other people, we did not hoard our money. We believed that
    would be detrimental to the economy and our country. Consequently, we set out to do what we thought patriotic Americans should do- we were going to do whatever we could to
    help stimulate the economy. When the Government asked us to help save the automotive industry, we used a portion of our savings and bought a brand new 2009 Ford Ranger. Then
    the Government asked us to help stimulate the economy by making our homes more energy efficient. Once again, we used more of our savings and had a new, energy efficient
    central heat and air unit installed, along with all new insulation and duct work.

    Around the same time, I was looking for a good way to invest a large part of my retirement savings. After reading HERA (Housing Economy Recovery Act) and relying on
    information the FHFA posted on their website about the conservatorship, we decided to invest in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac common stock. The housing market was rebounding and
    the economy was improving. It appeared as though everything was going to be fine. Unfortunately, in 2012, out of the clear blue sky, the Government dropped a bombshell on us
    when they renegotiated the terms of the PSPA with themselves and instituted the net worth sweep. The net worth sweep took all of the profits from the companies and deposited
    those funds directly into the Treasury's general fund.

    At this point, to say that I am very frustrated is a gigantic understatement. I invested in good faith, believing that the Government would keep its word and follow the law
    as prescribed by HERA. Currently, I am at the point of retirement and I still don't know if the Government is going to keep its word or continue to plunder my investments
    for my future. Patriotic Americans should not be punished simply for trying to do the right thing in a time of economic uncertainty. I humbly request that the Government stop
    the net worth sweet and return Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac back to a sound, solvent condition and release them back to their shareholders. It would be a wonderful thing if
    the two companies were structured in such a manner that all Americans would want to invest in them to help ensure that the American Dream survives for all of us.

    Faithfully submitted,

    Daniel and Madalena Hutcheson