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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/18/17
    First Name: Ronald
    Last Name: Haight
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Private individual/investor
  • Comment

    I have studied the housing crisis and conservatorship extensively for many years now and as a result have much of my retirement savings invested in Fannie and Freddie. It's time for the misinformation to stop and for the gses to be released to recapitalize and continue the indispensible job they do providing affordable housing, middle class wealth building, and the resulting enormous economic benefit to our country. The lies must stop! They are not to blame for the crisis. They were placed in conservatorship with accounting fraud. They were made the bag holders for the irresponsible private lenders and bug banks and ate NOT in need of reform. There are too many people who know the truth so stop the conservatorship, stop the charade, and stop trying to unconstitutionally steal profits from two of the largest and most successful and stable companies in the world. The jig is up. I am not wealthy, by the way. Not a hedge fund manager. I make $11 an hour, work 72 hours a week and live in a trailer. I'm inested in Fannie and Freddie not just because I think their stock is undervalued, but because it is a bet that sanity will return, the truth will win out, and the future of property rights and the housing markets will be safe.