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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/18/17
    First Name: erin
    Last Name: maher
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: erin
  • Comment

    Mr. Watt

    I watched your testimony in full a few weeks back and wanted to commend you on the great job you have done as fhfa's director. You have single handedly fixed the gse's(fannie mae and freddie mac) they are not the same companies from 9 years ago, they are now in a safe and solvent state. Again great job , it is now time to stop the net worth sweep which you have the authority to do and which you know must occur to have a captial buffer, then you need to release them back to the shareholders because there is no need for more reform , you have already reformed them where they are entirely profitable , foreclosures and loan defaults are at historic lows.
