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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/17/17
    First Name: Andrew
    Last Name: Marusic
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Private Investor
  • Comment

    I am not a hedge fund or an institution. In fact, I am (we are) private investors in Fannie and Freddie Preferred and Common securities since 2012. In the near six years' time I have been waiting for resolution on housing finance reform I began dating the woman who would become my fiancé and now wife; we have moved our primary location of residence on two occasions; and, most importantly, gone through a pregnancy and birthed our first child in June of this year. My wife and I fully appreciate and understand the gravity of this reform. However I offered a backdrop of our story as a barometer of substantial change that happens in real life in contrast to the molasses pace of progress, let alone any change that has revealed itself on behalf of housing finance reform in almost a decades' time. My wife and I find ourselves disheartened and discouraged as American citizens because of the poor leadership shown on this subject to date.

    The solutions are obvious, yet the employment is challenging. The outcome is known: there is no replacing Fannie and Freddie, the thirty-year mortgage, and nobody will offer the insurance that the government will by assisting in the management of the risk in this sector via risk-transfers, g-fees, and access to affordable housing. The implementation will be difficult--but the guidance and solution should be given to the public promptly.

    We are of the conviction that that accounting reveals that Fannie and Freddie were in FACT never in the dyer constraints that were portrayed by the media at a time of heightened volatility. My wife and I have read and believe that the Moelis Plan makes the most sense; the government should stand to benefit from the execution of the warrants; and shareholders should be able to benefit, once-again, by receiving prudently issued dividends. This is good business, this is fair, and this is respectful to all involved parties.

    If you would like further opinions from us, or even a photograph of our family, please reach out to the email provided and I will be glad to do so.

    We are patient with the ones we love. We love America and what this nation stands for. Preserve this GSEs and let's get this thing wrapped up already!

    God bless you and keep you all, -Andrew & Marta Marusic (Cleveland, OH)