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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/17/17
    First Name: George
    Last Name: Schmidle
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Retired on a fixed income
  • Comment

    I am a veteran that owns 7000 shares of Fnma 8.25 preferred in my IRA retirement account. I am upset and ashamed that my government would seize a privately held company that is profitable under false pretenses. Fnma has paid back a substantial amount of money in excess of what the government had lent them. What about all the money that the government has recaptured from banks and financial institutions that rightfully belongs to Fnma and the stockholders. The government has lied about why they imposed the "net worth sweep". Isn't there a Bill of Rights about the government seizing citizen's property without just compensation. Don't citizens have rights when the governments seizes personal property. Where is our government that stands for the people and the constitution.