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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/17/17
    First Name: Roger
    Last Name: Zuckweiler
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Informatics Solutions
  • Comment

    I am a shareholder of Fannie Mae and feel that the companies have paid the taxpayers back in full and should be allowed to recapitalize, like all other companies that were bailed out. It does seem that not allowing a capital buffer is leading the GSE's towards another taxpayer bailout, which should be the implemented scope, to avoid for the FHFA's conservatorship plan. I do feel that a capital buffer is mandatory and the organizations should be allowed and planned for, to recapitalize. The 5th amendment protects American Citizens from having their property taken by the government. There are many shareholders, including many public servants, that have been affected by the Net Worth Sweep and Conservatorship. It is time to restore The Rule of Law, the 5th Amendment and to also abide by the Constitution. Short Term Goal: Capital Buffer Long Term Goal: Recapitalization