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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 10/17/17
    First Name: Wade
    Last Name: McGee
    Organization Type: fannie mae
    Organization: Self
  • Comment

    It is disgraceful that you have failed to come up with a plan to protect taxpayers and protect the rights of shareholders for 9 years. In what kind of third world democracy does allowing an 80% owner to keep 100% of profits make common sense. As a former NASD Arbitrator, I would have found the government guilty of theft. Do the right thing finally and sell your 80% stake, raise capital and respect shareholder rights. You are guilty of government over reach which our forefathers fought against. Has the last honest man finally left the government ? There are real people that invested in the GSE's and not just a bunch of greedy hedge funds. The GSE's were an ultra safe investment that only ran into a temporary liquidity issue due to all bids disappearing. Quit disguising this as some kind of reform problem and release the GSE's. They were not the problem - the big banks and brokerages were the problem. Recapitalize and release.